The Calculator: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Calculation and Advanced Functions

 OnCalculator - User Guide

Welcome to the calculator, a simple online calculator application. This user guide will help you understand how to use the calculator's features effectively.


  • Calculator Screen: The screen at the top of the calculator displays the current input and the calculated result.
  • Numeric Buttons: Click on the numeric buttons to enter numbers into the calculator screen.
  • Operator Buttons: Click on the operator buttons to perform calculations.
  1. Addition: "+"
  2. Subtraction: "-"
  3. Multiplication: "×"
  4. Division: "÷"  
  • Evaluation Button: Click the "Evaluate" button to perform the calculation and display the result on the screen.
  • Trigonometric Functions: The calculator supports the following trigonometric funtions.
  1. Sine(sin): Click the "sin" button to caculate the sine of the current value on the screen.
  2. Cosine(cos): Click the "cos" button to calculate the cosine of the current value on the screen.
  3. Tangent(tan): Click the "tan" button to calculate the tangent of the current value on the screen.
  • Exponentiation and Square Root: The calculator supports the following functions.
  1. Power(x^2): Click the "x^2" button to calculate the square of the current value on the screen.
  2. Square Root(√x): Click the "√x" button to calculate the square root of the current value on the screen.
  • Logarithm: The calculator supports the logarithm function.
  1. Logarithm(log): Click the "log" button to calculate the logarithm of the current value on the screen.
  • Constants: The calculator provides the following mathematical constants.
  1. Pi(π): Click the "π" button to enter the value of Pi(approximately 3.14159265359) on the screen.
  2. Euler's Number(e): Click the "e" button to enter the value of Euler's number (approximately 2.71828182846) on the screen.
  • Factorial: The calculator supports the calculation of factorial.
  1. Factorial(n!): Enter a positive integer on the screen, then click the "n!" button to calculate its factorial.
  • Backspace: Click the "Backspace" button to delete the last character from the caculator screen.
  • Calculation History: The calculator keeps track of the calculation history and displays it on a scatter chart.
  1. Each calculation is recorded with its result on the chart.
  2. The chart visualizes the relationship between the calculation index and the result.

Getting started

  1. Open the Calculator in your web browser.
  2. Use the numeric buttons to enter numbers into the calculator screen.
  3. Use the operator buttons to perform calculations.
  4. Click the "Evaluate" button to perform the calculation and display the result on the screen.
  5. Utilize the trigonometric functions, exponentiation and square root functions, logarithm funtion, and mathematical constants as needed.
  6. Use the factorial function to calculate the factorial of a positive integer.
  7. Click the "Backspace" button to delete the last character from the calculator screen.
  8. The calculation history is displayed on the scatter chart below the caculator screen.


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